Well its been another eventful couple of weeks! Last weekend Erin and Kelly took the kids for a sleep over, and Jeremy and I enjoyed a night alone with dinner at Bev's on the River and then home for some more alone time. Saturday we spent the day together shopping (what a joy that was! haha) but it was a great time - something we NEED to do more of but never do. We went to get the kids and came home for some grilling as it was a BEAUTIFUL DAY! Sunday of course was crappy... its what you come to expect in NW Iowa! Jeremy went fishing and the kids and I cleaned! Always something to do around here
Aubrie is still loving the fact she has lost a tooth... this week has kept her very busy with the weather we have had. Needless to say she is ready for bed at 8 each night.
Aavyn is still as silly as he has been these past few weeks. Nothing brightens a persons day more than going to get him up and there he is in his crib with at big smile and some chattering at you. He totally knows what he wants to say! Now if only we could understand it :)
Here is the video I tried to post last time. Lets hope it comes up! ENJOY he is a chatterbox!